Friday, October 28, 2016

Student Success Statement #20


“Right is right , even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong,even if everyone is for it.”- William Penn

This statement shows how you should do the right thing even if everyone else is doing the wrong thing. You may go  to a party where everyone is drinking and they want you to have one but you don't want to, so you leave. All the people want to drink even though they know it's wrong. Many time people are peer pressured into doing thing because everyone else is doing it and even though they know it it wrong. Recently there have been many controversial debates regarding abortion,presidential election and other events. People are not sure what is right in what is wrong in these recent even.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Student Success Statement #19

“Don’t sacrifice what you want most for what you want now.Write  down what you want most and see it often.” -Peter Vidmar

This statement by Peter Vidmar shows by reminding yourself of what you most want every day and you will achieve. It also show how what you what now is not what you want the most. It is better to sacrifice what you want at the moment then  what you most want. Peter was able to accomplish what he most wanted by sacrificing things he want to do at the moment.

Homecoming 2016

Homecoming 2016

  1. The  welcoming back  of the  alumni.
  2. The first homecoming was  in 1910 held by the University of  Illinois.
  3. It celebrated  as tradition.
  4. Homecoming dance ,Homecoming Game, Spirit week , Bonfire, Homecoming Court.
  5. It is a game which is played at the homefield of the team.
  6. At the Dance attire is usually semi formal.

Monday, October 24, 2016

Student Success Statement #18

A Good Name

“A good name is better than anything you can achieve in  this life.” Mike Krzyzewski

This statement shows how even though after winning more than 1000 games,Coach K does find be the greatest thing he has achieved.Creating a good name is much more important than winning all those games.Many people sometime let things go their head when they achieve great things which their achievement. A man who has accomplished the great does not think it's the great thing to accomplish and it not because he does not appreciate his work it is that he is just a great man.

“Global Opportunities: Careers in other Countries”

“Global Opportunities: Careers in other Countries”

  1. South Korea - Science and technology, Computing. These careers are  good because the technology based careers have been increasing in the last couple of years.
  2. China-teaching english. These career  is good because it something that will be expanding in coming years.
  3. Canada-healthcare, Healthcare in job that has been increasing in the last couple of years.

         Reflection:I’m not sure if would like to work abroad but is something I would take into consideration.

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Student Success Statement #17

Choosing A Good Name

“A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches.” Proverbs 22:1

This statement shows that having a good name /a good reputation is better than having riches. It would be worth having riches when people don't want  you around . People will question the way you got those riches in the first place. Having a good reputation is  a riche itself and  a greater rich than anything  else.

Health Educator

Health Educator

Duties and Responsibility: Health Educators are to inform people of ways to be health and encourage them to do so. They teach people how  good health decisions. They can work in clinics, schools ,private health service providers,and hospitals. They must also create and implement health care programs for generals public.


Education: Health Educators must at least have a bachelor's degree.It's recommended to have a certification of  health education specialist.

Demand for this profession:The demand for this profession has grown 21% since 2012.


Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Healthcare Administrator

Healthcare Administrator

Duties and Responsibilities: Healthcare Administrator are responsible for handling patients payments, filing patient records, processing insurance claims, and answering phone calls. In experienced administrators may work with supervision of experienced administrators.

Salary:$100,000- $150,000

Education:  A bachelor's  degree in  public health, public or business administration.Some healthcare  administrators may have a masters degree.Healthcare administrators have to have a licence.

Demand for this profession:  The demand for this  profession is at 17% which is faster than the average.

Reflection: I don’t think I would like to become a healthcare administrator because i like to job that are more hands on.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Student Success Statement #16


“If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for other to follow.”-Thomas S. Manson

This statement shows how you should not follow people who you know are doing wrong because you are the only one that disagrees. You should stand up for what you believe especially when other are doing the wrong thing. Do not be afraid to stand to what you believe.You should be the example to show the people doing wrong the right.

News Reporter/Journalist

News Reporter/Journalist

Duties and Responsibilities: News reporters are to investigate, observe,interview and write new stories. They usually talk about  local, state ,national or  international news depending on current events.Some new reporters carry cameras with them to  take picture or record their report at significant places.It take a bout a week for reporter to have a story depending on the depth. Reporter are to go to press conference  and ask questions.


Education:  News Reporters usually have a  Bachelor's degree in broadcasting ,journalism,or communications.Having Experienced gives new reporter a higher chance of getting a job.

Demand for this career: The demand for this career has dropped 8%.

Reflection: I would consider looking more into this job since it seems interesting.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Student success statement # 15

CTR Champion
“A CTR champion is a  person who make a great person out of himself .”- Noemi Trigueros

This statement states that being a CTR are person makes you a great human. Being a CTR person makes a champion, a CTR champion. Being a CTR champion makes you a great  human.When you become a CTR champion you become the best  person you can be and still try to better yourself. Being a champion has no meaning compared to being a CTR champion ,a great person. The only way to becoming a great person is by choosing the right.

Environmental Health Specialist

Environmental Health Specialist

Duties and Responsibilities: Environmental health Specialist are responsible for the the public health of  residential areas,industrial areas ,and commercial areas.  They are to see if there are any health hazards in the area.  If there are any  health hazards they must find way to stop it or to prevent it from occurring.  Environmental health Specialists work for the government to inspect if environmental regulation are being  followed.They are to collect samples and check for any sort of pollution.

Salary :$30,000-$60,000

Education:  A bachelor's degree is required for this job. You need to take courses in  chemistry , biology , Public health and physical sciences . For those who want to work for the government must complete a  federal certification course.

Demand for this profession: The demand for this profession is at  11% which is higher than average.

Reflection:This is profession is something  I would look into since I like Environmental science.

Friday, October 7, 2016

Student Success Statement #14

“Goal Setting is goal getting. Set and get.”- Mark Victor Hansen

This statement shows that if you set  a goal you will be able to achieve it.If you don’t set your goal you will not be able to achieve it. Many people do not like to set goal because they think they will not be able to complete them.However when you set a goal you can set mini goals to be able to complete the goal you want . As you go along and complete the mini goals achieve your many goal won't seem any more difficult.When you achieve those mini  goals it motivates you to keep on going. It shows you that your main goal was easier to achieve than what you first though t.

Columbus Day

Columbus Day

Christopher Columbus was an Italian explorer. Columbus was sent on an exposition by king Ferdinand  of Spain. His quest was to reach Japan to trade but instead he found the “New World”. Columbus was not the first to person to reach the Americans .However  he did accomplish many changes while there. Columbus was greeted by the Indians  when he arrived. Columbus noticed the Natives had a lot of gold. Columbus day is the day day we celebrate Columbus’ discovery of the Americas. Columbus day was made into a holiday by Colorado. In April 1934  Columbus day became a federal holiday.

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Student Sccuess Statement #13

“When obedience  becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of stumbling block, it becomes a building block.”-James E.Faust

This statement shows how  we think following the rules is annoying and how following the rules improves our lives. It also it explains that  we have to go  with things we don't like for our own benefit.The  “stumbling  blocks” becoming our “Building blocks” shows how things we struggle with can actually becoming thing that help us in life.Things we don't like to do  become our best tool to improve.

Orthopedic Surgeon

Orthopedic Surgeon

Duties and responsibilities:Orthopedic surgeons treat chronic and acute pain.they treat and diagnose broken bones, torn ligaments, pulled muscles ,and ruptured disks. Orthopedic don’t always treat pain with surgery but with other treatments as well.For non surgical treatment s orthopedics may send patients to physical therapist for rehabilitation.


Education:Must have bachelor's degree in pre-medical studies.Then must take four years of medical school and advance courses in anatomy, physiology, pharmacology,and biochemistry. They will train in clinical rotations and going through rigorous surgical training.

Demand for this career: The demand for this career has grown 24% over the last 10 years.

Reflection: This career pathway is very interesting  i would like to look more into this profession.